MCT photoconductive detector products
Model KMPC12-1-J1 MCT photoconductor/ amplifier
Model KMPC12-1-J1 series is MCT photoconductive infrared detector /amplifier with cutoff wavelength greater than 12 um, 14 um, 16 um, 18 um or 22um. The MCT photoconductive detector is coupled to an internal 20Hz to 1 MHz bandwidth amplifier, with BNC output. Detector active areas range from 0.05 to 4mm. The side looking LN2 pour filled Dewar has a 12 hour hold time.
Detector to amplifier connections are inside the Dewar, minimizing electrical pick up and simplifying system integration. This low noise amplifier is matched to the detector characteristics and provides optimum bias voltage to the detector. The only connections required are to the amplfiear signal output and amplifier power.
Relative Response --- Volts/Watt vs. microns

| Applications
The KMPC12-1-J1 is designed for use in systems and instruments which require a very sensitive, high responsivity detector/amplifier:
- Infrared spectroscopy
- Thermal imaging
- Tunable diode laser detector
- Chemical aerosols detection
- General Purpose Laboratory Use
Performance Specifications
SIZE (mmxmm) | 0.1 to 4 |
Spectral Responsivity | 5x 103 Volts/Watt |
Wavelength peak | 12 um +/-1um |
Rise time | 350 ns |
FOV | 60 deg full angle |
D*(10kHz) | 3x1010 Jones nom |
Window | ZnSe |
Hold time LN2 | 12 hours |
Dewar Style | J (standard) |
Gain | 40dB |
Noise Figure | 1.5dB |
Bandwidth | 20Hz to 1MHz |
Output Level | 1Volt P-P Max |
Power | +/-15Volts |
Connector | BNC |